Restaurant Accounts Receivable
The Accounts Receivable module of our restaurant POS enables restaurants to manage their accounts receivable and in-house charging privileges directly in Maitre'D. These point of sale solutions allow you to close a customer check in an account receivable file, generate statements and other printouts such as monthly reports.
Better control and accuracy in managing receivables
Maintains a complete customer file (address, phone, company name, credit limit, applicable discounts, etc.)
Allows to set due dates on statements
Ability to set the number days required for the history file of these accounts
Search for invoices and invoice details from the POS
Tools that provide greater simplicity
Allows using a magnetic cards for customer or member charges
Bar code readers can also be used for the accounts
View and/or adjust balance from POS
Total and tip lines can be added to the receivable check
Ability to link customer as a frequent diner in the system
Ability to apply only partial check amounts to the account
Maitre'D's complete report center will give the information you require at any time:
List of customers & mailing labels
Invoice detail search & invoice summary
Sales by category & menu
Statements and summary statements
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